Respite can be with a family member, a friend, or a professional agency. When Jordan became an adolescent and was so challenging we were so blessed to have Craig, a cousin who also was a nurse who understood Jordan as a close family member when we needed him. He took Jordan for the afternoon, the weekend, and introduced him to different things. Running their hunting dogs, canoeing, Big R sporting good store, and of course-Mt. Dew! It was great for Jordan, to be in a different social setting, to get to know family, and to discover new things. We have other friends who would take Jordan and just let him hang out at their house so Todd and I could get away. We were so blessed by these people who loved and spent time with our son. It was great for our family to have some peaceful time together to focus on our other kids and needs. Yes we have to learn to do this all with Jordan around, but we are so much better for having a much needed mental health break. It is a strategy to help families experiencing distress to be able to refocus. It provides wellness and enables parents to better care for their children.
One common misconception is that you can leave these children with babysitters. We tried. Our babysitter was so overwhelmed as Jordan got older, she would go home in tears. Trying to be brave, she would come back-we also paid well. After a while she got braver and told us she couldn't do it anymore. I so appreciated her honesty.
Today I can't imagine Jordan needing respite, in fact, mom's are actually looking to him to spend time with their ASD kids! He told me the other day he went to his friends house for a BBQ, and they all squirted each other with dish soap and went on the slip and slide! What? Ok they are lifeguards, but he would have never put dish soap on himself and done that 4 years ago-or 3 years ago. Friends!! Yes! Cut loose on the slip and slide? WOW!! But 4 years ago respite was a blessing, a lifesaver, a needed thing for our family to be emotionally ok, reboot and face the next challenge.
Respite is needed! It is okay to let someone else care for your child so you can breathe easy, plan your meal menu, spend time with other kids, go to a workshop, or get a pedicure! Mental Health is so important, take care of yourself parents and give yourself a break! I know how much you love your child and want the very best for him/her.
As for insurance paying, medicaid pays in most states, and other private health insurances are usually great about respite. Take a moment to ask, let go of the guilt, and be the best parent you know how to be! Find natural supports, people you know and trust, family members and friends. Most are happy to be asked when they know your need. Be brave and humble, take time to ask for the help you need! Your family will be blessed when you do!
Now-go get that pedicure!!
Bravo!!! What color did you get your toes this time?! Respite is needed for ALL parents, granted in different forms (I know this is about insurance), but money aside, we ALL need time for self and others. I fully support your view!