Thursday, September 26, 2013

Obsessions-I thought we had this one in the bag! I was wrong!

Jordan, now 17 and a senior was running for president of his JMG class at school. "Man, he has come so far", I thought so proudly! The kid who once wouldn't look anyone in the eye, who wouldn't talk to his classmates, had zero tolerance, and much less confidence is running for an office? Wow!! This is so cool! He is gonna win, I am gonna have something else to brag chin was up, my hair tossed awesome!

Then reality hit. Jordan still has Aspergers. No doubt about it.

Now, normally or nuerotypically, this would stress a normal kid out. They would plan, they would make posters, they would talk to their peers.

Jordan was STRESSED.

He didn't just plan, he made and action plan, with steps. He made a game plan, with moves! He made a combat plan, with an attack!

He didn't make a poster, his teacher of Graphic Arts made a huge 3X12 poster, VOTE FOR JORDAN.

He didn't just talk to his peers, he talked to everyone! The teachers, the staff, the kids, everyone!

His speech was amazing! He practiced it until he couldn't do it anymore and it was phenomenal!

All of this was, and is so positive. It was an amazing experience. Honestly though, it was hard. He learned how to improve his speech writing skills. Jordan worked on posture and projecting an image with body language that was warm and caring yet strong. He worked on voice inflection and tone. He didn't do homework for over a week, except this speech.

In the end he lost by a half of a vote. You see the faculty got to vote too at Jordan's school, since it is an Alternative High School, the leaders of the school are in a program called JMG or Jobs for Montana Graduates. It is a pilot program through the business department at Paris Gibson Alternative High School.
So the students and faculty work as a team. The students decided that the faculty vote should be worth 1/2 of a vote each and the students 1 vote each. The entire faculty voted for Jordan. But one young lady, who will be a wonderful president, won. Jordan was devastated. Heart broken, he came home with blinding tears. This was a place so important, so life changing for Jordan, he wanted to have such a place of importance. Disappointed, he tried to tell me how he felt. Through tears he talked of feeling betrayal from those that said they would vote for him. He told me how he cared more than anyone else in the school, that he wanted to help change their lives the way that his life had been changed at Paris. He wanted to feel like he was valued and rewarded for the hard work he had put in the year before leading the way for this years new class of JMG students. How could she have beat him? He wanted to quit, to have justice by not being in that class at all. I did not cry once listening to him. Instead I tried so hard to console, to encourage, to empathize. But the minute he left with his dad for work, I was that mom....calling the adviser of the JMG class, asking what happened, and reaching out for help!

I wish I could tell you I handled this perfectly with her. I don't know. I shared what Jordan was going through, then I shared my mom's heart and the tears started flowing. "Don't they know how much Jordan has overcome?" "Can't they see how much he cares about them and the school?" My heart was hurting knowing how bad this had hurt Jordan. She was amazing! She listened, she too wished they knew, but she knew this was Jordan's story to tell. None of them know he has Aspergers or how much he has overcome. If you don't have a child with a special need, it is hard to explain this roller coaster we live in. She asked "Is he there? Can I talk to him?" He had already left for work. "Please have him call me" she asked.

It turns out, Jordan only thought he was on the schedule at work-he wasn't. But, it was amazing what a car ride with his dad did for him. When he came home, I asked him "Do you want to go talk to your teacher"? I had Boston, our golden retriever with me. He buried his face in his fur, and said yes.

We got there and the most amazing thing happened. This teacher, who works so hard all day, had waited for Jordan. It was almost 5 o'clock. He walked in and she welcomed him with open arms and compassion. The time she took, telling him how much she believed in him, needed him, and made him feel so valued was awe inspiring. As I sat there, she let him know why it was so important that he tried, that the entire faculty was overcome when they listened to this young man, who once wouldn't look at any of them, gave a speech that blew their socks off with poise, confidence, and humor. She told him how important it was that he stay in JMG to be a leader, to mentor, and to give other kids hope. Jordan, you are going to have to tell your story. These kids need to hear how you have overcome so much. She said she needed him to show them how to work hard, to be committed, and to overcome. Then, a miracle happened, Jordan opened his heart up and shared, really shared how he felt, and what it took to go through this experience. Nothing could have made me prouder in that moment than to listen to Jordan and his teacher connecting, learning and growing through the pain of defeat. He showed raw emotion, but with clarity, expressed his feelings. He discussed the pain, the betrayal he felt, and the disappointment of loss. She sat with him and went through these things patiently, and turned what could have been a terrible day into a pivotal turning point. She did something that we can all learn from she sought to understand his heart, then she helped him understand a bigger piece of the world. I wish I could have recorded that afternoon now to show you everything that happened. Defeat became the biggest success. Relationships became more important that justice. For Jordan this was monumental! For me it was another miracle in his life.

Jordan is now Vice President of JMG. He is in charge of the first ever digital yearbook that will be affordable to all of the students at his high school. When you see and event or party happening at Paris, please know that my son is in charge of the social committee!

Am I proud? Yes oh yes! But there is another word that is better suited. I am humbled by the power that relationships have in our lives. Nothing is better than witnessing the power of relationships. Do I have something to brag about? You bet!

A son that has overcome so much adversity!
Paris Gibson Alternative High School that has teachers that believe in each students ability to overome any obstacle and succeed!
Relationships that make a difference everyday in my life and more importantly the life of my son.
A loving God, that gives wisdom to me as a mom of this special son!

My chin is up-quivering a little-my hair is tossed back, mostly from the wind! Most of all my heart is full.

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